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Identifying BIM Health and Safety Risks

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21.03.2019, 17:36

Identifying BIM Health and Safety Risks

Morgan Sindall Group subsidiary BakerHicks have launched an innovative method of protecting the health and safety of construction workers and building users.


The Risk Cube, a 3D Building Information Management (BIM) component, provides visual identification of the risks in a design model. 

Conceived as a tool to align BakerHicks’ own BIM and UK Construction Design and Managements (CDM) Regulations teams more closely with CDM Regulation 9 Risk Register outputs and the new PAS 1192-6 standard – which provides the first, BIM-specific, guidelines for collaborative sharing of health and safety (H&S) information, Risk Cube obviates a requirement for updating multiple documents.


All H&S information relating to a particular risk is contained within its relevant cube in a central model, which is then automatically synced to linked drawings and registers.

By embedding Risk Cubes within the 3D BIM model, designers can populate H&S information at the precise location where a risk is identified, with information also made available for export in a variety of formats – including immersive virtual/augmented reality environments that present stakeholders and clients with the opportunity to visualise, interact with, and understand the impact of risks on a facility’s end use or construction, in-situ.

Trevor Strahan, head of BIM at BakerHicks, says:

“Our focus in developing this technology has been on giving everyone involved in a project easy access to really important information that could save someone getting injured or worse.

“We realise the importance of H&S information and are passionate about sharing it in the most effective way possible. We’ve already trialed the Risk Cube on two of our projects in Scotland with great success and believe that it’s a true step change in how essential risk information is collated, presented and shared throughout a project’s lifecycle.”

The Risk Cube is designed to operate as an effective means of communication by informing contractors’ method statements and risk assessments, and providing key risk information via drawings and specifications actually used on a site.

For clients and end users, the solution delivers information specific to ongoing maintenance tasks, enabling safer and more effective facilities management.

The Risk Cube is compatible with multiple software platforms, including Revit and Navisworks.

Visit www.bakerhicks.com for more information.

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    FMIndustry.com covers the latest news, trends and opinion from the facilities management (FM) and corporate real estate (CRE) sectors. The FM market is currently estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion annually and is projected to grow at a compounded annualised rate of approximately 5% between now and 2026.

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