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Hoarding Specialist to Donate Recycling Revenue

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31.10.2019, 14:23

Hoarding Specialist to Donate Recycling Revenue

Plasloc has pledged to donate all funds received from the recycling of its sustainable PVCu cladding system to environmental charity, Just One Ocean.

Announcing the initiative, Plasloc’s Director, Leigh Matthews, said:

“We have always had a keen interest in the environment and the impact plastics are having on it and we are proud to be supporting Just One Ocean.

“Plasloc is a patented hoarding product predominately made from plastic and we only operate on a hire basis to maintain our zero-waste policy, and send  all our products for recycling at the end of their life for extrusion back into next generation Plasloc boards.

“As we make an income from the plastic that is collected for recycling, we are donating all monies made.”


Jones who founded Just One Ocean after witnessing the devastation to our oceans caused by an estimated eight million tonnes of plastic pollutants every year when he was a commercial diver, added: “Plastics have changed our lives for the better in numerous ways.

“However, at the same time, we have neglected to consider the ‘end of life’ of many products and this is having a devastating effect on the environment.

“Management of plastic products throughout their life cycle is critical if we are going to resolve the plastic pollution issue.

“Through the development of their zero-waste and recycling policy, Plasloc are doing what they can to address that problem by working with plastic products in a more sustainable and responsible manner.”

Visit www.justoneocean.org for information on how your organisation can support the charity.

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