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Supporting the Plastic Circular Economy

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28.01.2021, 12:45

Supporting the Plastic Circular Economy

Veolia UK & Ireland has expanded its plastic recycling capacity in the United Kingdom by 8,000 tonnes, and extended processing to over 100 different grades of the material in line with new targets for reducing environmental leakage and returning plastic to the supply chain for reuse.


Working from three dedicated sites in London, Essex and the Midlands the company can now provide a complete range of services from collection of raw feedstock direct from people’s homes or businesses, through all the recycling steps, and back to plastic pellets ready to be used to manufacture new plastic items. Backing the operations is the support team that can ensure compliance with the complex legislation involved in the reprocessing of these materials, and Veolia’s own Sustainable Packaging Academy which was established last year.

Pre-consumer items that can now be recycled include:


⦁ High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE) used to make film containers, bottles and carrier bags.

⦁ Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) is used for caps, plugs, netting, shrink wrap, and garment bags.

⦁ Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) plastics include mouldings, lump and trays.

⦁ Polycarbonate (PC) applications include CD’s and DVD’s, headlamp lenses, electronic component housing, mobile phones and conservatory roofing

⦁ Recycle Polyethylene Terephthalate (PETE) most containers, vegetable oil bottles and detergent bottles. 

⦁ Polypropylene (PP) used for refrigerated containers, yogurt containers, bottle tops, carpets, brewery crates, and food wraps.

⦁ Polystyrene (PS) found in utensils and protective packaging.

⦁ Vinyl/Polyvinyl Chloride (V) is used in the manufacture of food wraps, blister packages, health and beauty bottles, and the UPVC used in fascia and window manufacture.

Tim Duret, Director of Sustainable Technology, comments: “The green recovery and climate change must be priorities, and a key part of this is to tackle the problem of plastics getting into the environment.  As recycling plastic uses 75% less energy than using virgin material the process lowers carbon, and if all plastic were recycled this could mean annual savings of 30 to 150 million tonnes of CO2.

“We are committed to a sustainable and circular future for the plastics economy, and look forward to working with commerce, industry and communities to capture, process and recycle this useful material, and protect our environment for the future .”

Internationally Veolia is part of the cross value chain Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW) whose member companies have already committed more than US $1.0 billion towards the goal of investing US $1.5 billion over the next five years to help end plastic waste in the environment. The Alliance will develop and bring to scale solutions that will minimize and manage plastic waste and promote solutions for used plastics by helping to enable a circular economy. The Alliance membership represents global companies located throughout North and South America, Europe, Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

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