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Rewarding Consumers of Sustainable Beauty Products

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A new partnership between UK loyalty app Embargo and eco-beauty brand Faith In Nature will incentivise purchases of refillable products.
App users buying qualifying products at participating outlets will be rewarded with loyalty points which can later be traded for free product refills.
According to the company’s literature, Faith In Nature currently saves around 40 metric tonnes of single-use plastic annually as a result of customers selecting reusable packaging.
Mandy Hampton, senior marketing manager, explains: “We always strive to practice and promote sustainable behaviours, and this partnership better enables us to do just that. Now, thanks to Embargo’s loyalty app, our customers can continue to participate in our planet-saving mission, and be rightly rewarded for doing so.”

We are delighted to partner with Faith In Nature to help reward customers for making mindful purchases, and for their contributions towards a greener future. (Tsewang Wangkang, Embargo CEO)

Embargo CEO, Tsewang Wangkang, says: “More and more people are extremely conscious about the environmental impact of their consumption. Growing demand for environmentally conscious brands, like Faith In Nature, certainly signifies a positive step towards reducing waste and minimising excessive plastic consumption.

“We are delighted to partner with Faith In Nature to help reward customers for making mindful purchases, and for their contributions towards a greener future. Our easy-to-use loyalty app will encourage customers to continue to reduce the amount of plastic they use – not just when it comes to beauty products, but in every part of their day-to-day lives.”


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    FMIndustry.com covers the latest news, trends and opinion from the facilities management (FM) and corporate real estate (CRE) sectors. The FM market is currently estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion annually and is projected to grow at a compounded annualised rate of approximately 5% between now and 2026.

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