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Postponement of CIFF Guangzhou 2022

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Following the recent suspension of all live events by the provincial government of Guangzhou in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 49th edition of FM Industry partner exhibition, the China International Furniture Fair (CIFF), has been postponed until further notice.

A rescheduled date for the event – the largest event in the furniture industry calendar, globally, will be issued in due course by organisers, the Chjina Foreign Trade Guangzhou Exhibition General Corporation.


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Staff Reporter covers the latest news, trends and opinion from the facilities management (FM) and corporate real estate (CRE) sectors. The FM market is currently estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion annually and is projected to grow at a compounded annualised rate of approximately 5% between now and 2026.


  • Final Logo covers the latest news, trends and opinion from the facilities management (FM) and corporate real estate (CRE) sectors. The FM market is currently estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion annually and is projected to grow at a compounded annualised rate of approximately 5% between now and 2026.

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