Facilities ManagementGovernmentNet ZeroPerspectivesUnited Kingdom

Red Diesel in the UK: Helping Clients with the New Changes

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Russel Rhodes, Business Development Manager at Adler and Allan, considers the operating consequences for facilities managers of legislation limiting the use of red diesel in the United Kingdom.

April 1st has been, and gone, and red diesel has been banned from use in certain sectors. However, this wasn’t a standalone event. It is part of a much bigger picture as it is one of the first deadlines in the decarbonisation plan by the Government to ensure the UK achieves Net-Zero by 2050.

Fuel sampling and polishing

If your client is continuing to use permitted red diesel bought prior to 10th June 2021 for back-up power generation for example, they should consider prioritising having this sampled and polished to ensure it is effective when they come to rely on it.


Tank inspection and clean

At the time of switching fuel your client may have had a tank inspection and clean to check the integrity of their tank. If this brought up any issues they may have been advised and should consider re-lining their tank to extend the life of their asset.

Additional security

Due to the higher value nature of white diesel fuel following the switch, there could be a higher risk of theft and attempted theft.

Remote monitoring systems as well as security measures such as CCTV will help you manage the security of your client’s new higher value assets.

Theft can also inadvertently cause a spill of product which can incur potential remediation, regulatory, legal, and reputational costs as well as potential downtime to your operation.

A recommended course of action would be to obtain a spill response contract to ensure a spill can quickly and effectively be remediated.

Responsibility and sustainability

The change to red diesel legislation is a first step on the journey towards decarbonisation and ultimately the 2050 Net-Zero goal.

Responsible and sustainable companies are taking action to ensure they play their part in the collective goal by changing their entire fleet to EV, for example.

Companies are beginning their journey to Net-Zero with energy and fleet audits to understand the impact of changing from white diesel to a “cleaner” alternative.

Through improved data capture and operating practices combined with investment in new and emerging technologies, a business can significantly reduce its energy consumption and carbon emissions.

Ensuring compliance beyond April 2022

Your client’s approach could shape their infrastructure’s resilience, reliability, and performance for the long term as well as positioning them as a leading organisation in the race to Net-Zero.

Russel Rhodes

Russel Rhodes is Business Development Manager at Adler and Allan.


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