MarketplaceUnited States

FreshAir Smart Sensors Detect Mold in Military Barracks and Housing

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FreshAir, an industry leader in the development of sensors to detect and alert for hazardous chemicals, announces new Smart Sensors that can track conditions that allow mold to grow, as well as monitor for and detect tobacco and marijuana smoking. The system provides real time alerts to building and operations managers, enabling corrective action before mold growth, significantly improving living conditions in military barracks and housing. Using FreshAir’s devices will result in cleaner and safer military barracks and housing, as well as reduce long-term smoking-related medical costs.

FreshAir’s Wi-Fi devices provide real-time monitoring and send alerts of mold conditions and smoking incidents to clients with scientific proof, including detailed, time-stamped charts. The devices detect specific components of tobacco and marijuana smoke with patented, polymer sensor technology (PolySens™), the only technology that can monitor for and specifically detect tobacco smoke and marijuana smoke. FreshAir devices are used at hundreds of locations across the United States, including apartments, hotels, housing authorities, schools and other multi-unit, professionally managed properties. The new patented mold sensor provides an effective way for proactively monitoring spaces, enabling building operators to address conditions before mold growth can occur.

FreshAir’s detection devices are easy to install; they plug into outlets and are secured with tamper-proof screws. The WiFi-enabled detection devices connect to building networks to communicate 24/7 with FreshAir’s monitoring platform. Each device can monitor up to 500 square feet of open space.

When potential mold conditions or smoking is detected in a monitored space, FreshAir sends users an immediate alert via email, computer desktop, and/or mobile phone push notification. Smoking alerts come with timestamped reports of the incident in the monitored space, providing the scientific proof needed to enforce no-smoking policies. FreshAir’s Mobile App and online portal allow facilities teams to access alert history, stay updated on device information, and log additional evidence of smoking to be archived in the account’s alert history.

FreshAir Sensor LLC

FreshAir has the only technology available to monitor for, immediately detect, and prove tobacco smoking and marijuana smoking. Based on 17 years of research and development, the company’s PolySens® patented polymer sensor technology immediately detects specific molecules in tobacco smoke and marijuana smoke. FreshAir’s mission is to improve lives through novel sensor technology. As such, the company’s chemistry and engineering teams have an active, on-going research and development agenda to expand the application of existing sensors and develop new sensors for other hazardous chemicals.


  • FreshAir has the only technology available to monitor for, immediately detect, and prove tobacco smoking and marijuana smoking. Based on 17 years of research and development, the company’s PolySens® patented polymer sensor technology immediately detects specific molecules in tobacco smoke and marijuana smoke. FreshAir’s mission is to improve lives through novel sensor technology. As such, the company’s chemistry and engineering teams have an active, on-going research and development agenda to expand the application of existing sensors and develop new sensors for other hazardous chemicals.

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