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GMB Union Urges Select Committee Chair to Hold Wilko Chiefs to Account 

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Wilko bosses must be hauled before Parliament’s Business and Trade Select Committee to give evidence over the firm’s collapse says GMB. 

The union has written to newly elected select committee chair, Liam Byrne MP, calling for a special emergency session of the committee to hold Wilko’s former directors to account.

Discount high street retailer Wilko went bust earlier this year, leaving more than 10,000 workers without a job. 

Bosses shelled out £77m in dividends to themselves and shareholders during the past decade – and the Wilkinson family have not yet spoken questions about the business’ collapse. 

From ignoring clear warnings about the business’ future, to dishing out millions in payouts for owners and shareholders, Wilko management has failed at every turn. 


Nadine Houghton, National Officer, says: “From ignoring clear warnings about the business’ future, to dishing out millions in payouts for owners and shareholders, Wilko management has failed at every turn. 

“The collapse of Wilko isn’t just a tragedy for its loyal workforce, it will also add to the decline of high streets across the country. 

“Wilko workers deserve answers from the company that crushed their livelihoods.

“The new select committee chair should call an urgent emergency session on Wilko to demand those answers.” 

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GMB Union

GMB is a trade union that represents all workers in the United Kingdom. We have over 500,000 members who work in every type of job imaginable across public services and in private companies too. Our members work in full-time jobs, part-time jobs or are working while they study. GMB’s job is very simple: to get the best deal possible for you. When you’re at work, it’s always good to know that someone is on your side - that’s our job.


  • Gmb

    GMB is a trade union that represents all workers in the United Kingdom. We have over 500,000 members who work in every type of job imaginable across public services and in private companies too. Our members work in full-time jobs, part-time jobs or are working while they study. GMB’s job is very simple: to get the best deal possible for you. When you’re at work, it’s always good to know that someone is on your side - that’s our job.

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