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Comment on Sanitary Bins in Men’s Toilets

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Jamie Woodhall, UK Technical & Innovation Manager at Initial Washroom Hygiene, comments on a call by Portsmouth City Council for businesses to provide sanitary bins in all male as well as female toilets.

Portsmouth City Council is reviewing public provision and asking businesses to put sanitary bins in all toilets.

An estimated 14 million people in the UK suffer with bladder problems and an estimated 6.5 million adults suffer with bowel problems. Whilst incontinence is typically associated with women or older men, research from Initial Washroom Hygiene has found that nearly two in five (39%) male respondents with the issue are in fact aged between 18-34, a higher figure than those aged 55+ (35%), and aged 35-54 (26%). Furthermore, half of sufferers (50%) are even afraid to leave their homes and are unwilling to discuss their condition with close friends or family.

While it is normal to have sanitary or period waste bins in female toilet cubicles, the vast majority of public washrooms across the UK do not have sanitary waste bins in male washroom cubicles.

While it is normal to have sanitary or period waste bins in female toilet cubicles, the vast majority of public washrooms across the UK do not have sanitary waste bins in male washroom cubicles. This facility is vital for sufferers so that they can discreetly manage their condition when away from the home. In fact, Initial Washroom Hygiene’s research shows that just a fifth (17%) of sufferers have access to dispose of sanitary waste in male washrooms in their offices. Three in ten (29%) have even been forced to carry a used incontinence pad in their bag or coat due to a lack of disposal facilities. 


It is a shocking reality that many men suffering with incontinence in the UK do not currently have access to the washroom facilities they need.

It is a shocking reality that many men suffering with incontinence in the UK do not currently have access to the washroom facilities they need.

Everyone has the right to a dignified washroom experience. Businesses and local authorities need to urgently address this to ensure sanitary bins are available for male visitors, employees and customers.

Initial Washroom Hygiene and charity Bladder & Bowel UK which campaigns for better awareness of, and solutions to bladder and bowel problems across the country, are working to deliver ‘washroom dignity’ for everyone regardless of age, gender or need by ensuring they have access to the washroom facilities they require.  

Everyone has the right to a dignified washroom experience. Businesses and local authorities need to urgently address this to ensure sanitary bins are available for male visitors, employees and customers.

Jamie Woodhall

Jamie Woodhall is the Technical and Innovation Manager at Initial Washroom Hygiene in the United Kingdom.


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