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NHS Open Space Expands Across England

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NHS Open Space has announced the latest expansion of bookable space for health, wellbeing and community services.

The pay-as-you-go service launched by NHS Property Services (NHSPS) provides access to clinical and non-clinical rooms across the NHS. Health, wellbeing and community services can book flexible and affordable rooms across England on an hourly, sessional or daily basis.

The expansion aims to offer more choice for health and wellbeing providers, enabling them to book the space they need, when and where they need it.

Registered users can now choose from 1,200 bookable spaces across more than 200 properties in England.

Christopher King, Head of Open Space at NHSPS, says, “Our priority is delivering a fully managed service for our users that provides flexible and affordable spaces.


“Since launch, we have seen over 3 million hours of care offered to patients across England. This shows just how vital it is for communities to have access to a wide range of services locally.

“From counselling and physiotherapy to vaccine administration, we aim to enable excellent patient care through our spaces.”

Our priority is delivering a fully managed service for our users that provides flexible and affordable spaces.

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Staff Reporter covers the latest news, trends and opinion from the facilities management (FM) and corporate real estate (CRE) sectors. The FM market is currently estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion annually and is projected to grow at a compounded annualised rate of approximately 5% between now and 2026.


  • Final Logo covers the latest news, trends and opinion from the facilities management (FM) and corporate real estate (CRE) sectors. The FM market is currently estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion annually and is projected to grow at a compounded annualised rate of approximately 5% between now and 2026.

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