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New Mental Health Tool for Hospitality Employers

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A mental health assessment tool has been launched to help hospitality employers identify what is impacting the wellbeing of their workforce the most.

Work-related stress and burnout are estimated to cost the UK economy £28bn annually, resulting in 23.3 million sick days a year.

And following startling research that one in five workers needed to take time off due to poor mental health caused by pressure or stress in the past year, Colin Minto, ex vice president of talent optimisation at Marriott International, has designed an assessment tool to help employers identify which of the 15 drivers of human comfort and distress he has identified are having the biggest impact on their workforce.

Once they have the data, individuals and employers can target these with focussed interventions to build mental fitness and prevent burnout among team members.

The 15 Drivers of Human Comfort and Distress Assessment is a simple three-to-four-minute online survey, with a slider bar for users to confirm how comfortable they are against 15 drivers, where 0% is least comfortable and 100% is most comfortable. 


At the end, users receive a report to see how they scored themselves, their aggregate score, and further analysis enabling them to act on the areas in which they were low scoring.

If the assessment is taken across a whole workforce for a hospitality organisation, the aggregate data demonstrates how many people across the organisation are burnt out, how many are burning out, and which of the drivers are impacting them in order of severity.

This enables the organisation to adjust their Employee Assistance Programme, wellbeing resources and overall wellbeing strategy to focus on the areas that will have a demonstrable positive impact on their workers.

The tool benchmarks individuals and workforces and provides a comparative data set so employers can see how they areperforming against others and what they can do to outperform their competitors.

Organisations regularly claim their employees are their most important asset. But so many people are still burning out due to a combination of life and work pressure. 

Once data is gathered, Minto interprets the findings for employers and can support the evolution of an employee wellbeing strategy, offer a range of group and individual performance and optimisation programmes and solutions, and remain a trusted advisor to ensure businesses are the top brand and employer of choice.

Minto, the founder of the Do it Differently platform which is providing the assessment, says: “Organisations regularly claim their employees are their most important asset. But so many people are still burning out due to a combination of life and work pressure. 

“Those that invest in the wellbeing and engagement of their workforce will attract, retain, and benefit from the best talent available. Help your people fall in love with your organisation and they will help your guests do the same.

“An optimised workforce drives revenue, profit, customersatisfaction, intent to recommend, and employee retention, referral and attraction. And with the impact of the pandemic and the global cost of living crisis still prevalent, those with the most engaged workforces are differentiating themselves and accelerating their own growth.”

A free and anonymous assessment is available for employers and employees at, allowing them to ‘try before they buy’, and see how the tool measures their relationship with mental healtha and wellness against key drivers.

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  • Staff Reporter covers the latest news, trends and opinion from the facilities management (FM) and corporate real estate (CRE) sectors. The FM market is currently estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion annually and is projected to grow at a compounded annualised rate of approximately 5% between now and 2026.

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