United States

A-Gas Announces Attendance at ICE Annual Meeting in Atlanta

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A-Gas, a world leader in responsible lifecycle refrigerant management, announces its attendance at the annual ICE Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia.

From September 9th to 11th, independent HVAC industry contractors can learn how A-Gas’ Rapid Exchange® and Rapid Recovery® services can streamline safe refrigerant gas capture while generating additional income for contractors.

A-Gas specializes in recovering and reclaiming refrigerant gases, reintegrating them into the supply chain for reuse through their industry-leading refrigerant reclamation capabilities. Rapid Recovery® and Rapid Exchange® offer localized services to support refrigerant gas recovery and easy cylinder exchange. Rapid Recovery supports job-site high-speed refrigerant recoveries while Rapid Exchange provides on-site cylinder swaps. 

These processes contribute to the circular economy by ensuring the continued availability of these vital resources, without additional virgin gas production. Plus, they provide HVACR businesses with the opportunity to bring in new revenue for the refrigerant gases they safely recover, with A-Gas’ buyback program. This not only incentivizes safe recovery practices but also strengthens local economies. 

As a modern refrigerant reclaimer, A-Gas is focused on environmental stewardship through the lifecycle management of refrigerant gases. A-Gas manages the full life cycle of refrigerants, from recovery to reclamation and re-entry into the market through refrigerant sales. A-Gas also utilizes state-of-the-art technology to destroy refrigerants at the end of their useful life in the safest way possible. All of A-Gas’ services assist organizations in meeting their own sustainability mandates.


For a complete list of A-Gas service offerings, please visit: https://www.agas.com/us/products-services/refrigerant-services/. 

A-Gas International Limited

A‑Gas is a world leader in the supply and lifecycle management of refrigerants and associated products and services. Through our first-class recovery, reclamation, and repurposing processes, we capture refrigerants and fire protection gases for future re-use or destruction, preventing their harmful release into the atmosphere. For over 30 years, A-Gas has supported our clients and partners on their environmental journey by supplying lower global warming gases and actively increasing the circularity of the industries we serve, building a sustainable future.


  • FM Industry

    A‑Gas is a world leader in the supply and lifecycle management of refrigerants and associated products and services. Through our first-class recovery, reclamation, and repurposing processes, we capture refrigerants and fire protection gases for future re-use or destruction, preventing their harmful release into the atmosphere. For over 30 years, A-Gas has supported our clients and partners on their environmental journey by supplying lower global warming gases and actively increasing the circularity of the industries we serve, building a sustainable future.

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