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Tomorrow Meets Today Invites Nominations from Young Talent

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Building on the award winning success of the last ten years, Tomorrow Meets Today is back for 2024. Tomorrow Meets Today is FM’s only exclusive networking evening specifically focused on promoting diversity and creating unique opportunities for future leaders to meet inspirational current leadership.

Sponsored by Pareto FM, the event will be held at the inspiring Leadenhall Building in London on 21st November 2024. The evening will include a unique networking experience whereby the ‘tomorrow people’ will get exclusive access to network with the wide-ranging leadership group. The evening will include speed networking, talks from industry leaders and discussion over drinks.

The event for 2024, is again, specifically focuses on ESG and each of the leaders have been chosen as pioneers in a certain field. From ED&I champions to neurodiverse leadership through to those experienced in mental health to veteran representation. The senior group is uniquely placed to offer advice, like no other group seen in FM.

The free programme is now seeking nominations for young people to join. They can be from any organisation both within and outside of facilities management. The programme is aimed at attracting people under thirty five to give them a unique opportunity to meet the diverse leaders.

There will be eighteen inspiring leaders with space for fifteen future leaders to join.


To nominate yourself or someone else, please visit and send your email to [email protected].

Nominations will close on 30th September 2024.

List of confirmed leaders

Bianca AngelicoDirectorOn Verve
Andie Donaldson-SmithSenior Account ManagerPareto FM
Emma WilsonSocial Impact DirectorPareto FM
Chris BarnesAccount DirectorPareto FM
Sophie DonaldFounder & DirectorZest Marketing
Colin KimberOperations DirectorPareto FM
Sajna RahmanHigh Performance CoachThink Transform Thrive
Claudia HalabiFounder and Health & Wellbeing CoachLovegreen Health
Rachel McEnteeMarketing DirectorPareto FM
Claire CurranManaging Director/PresidentLinaker Limited/BESA
Louisa ClarkeDirectorOne Feather Coaching
Chiv de la HoydeUKI & Malta Workplace ManagerEntain Group
Angelo ChristouClient Services Director & Tower Cluster LeadSavills Property Management
Mairi McHaffieCo Founder/ CEOScene Change Creative Consultants Ltd
Dominic PonniahCEO & Co-FounderCleanology
Antony LawConsultant FMAntony Law
Andrew HulbertFounderPareto FM
Bill TsangDirectorPareto FM

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Staff Reporter covers the latest news, trends and opinion from the facilities management (FM) and corporate real estate (CRE) sectors. The FM market is currently estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion annually and is projected to grow at a compounded annualised rate of approximately 5% between now and 2026.


  • Final Logo covers the latest news, trends and opinion from the facilities management (FM) and corporate real estate (CRE) sectors. The FM market is currently estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion annually and is projected to grow at a compounded annualised rate of approximately 5% between now and 2026.

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