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MoistTech Corp Highlights On-line Near Infrared Model 828 Tobacco Sensor

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MoistTech Corp., the global leader in moisture measurement and control, highlights the on-line near infrared (NIR) model 828 tobacco sensor, which enables users to optimize their on-line process to dramatically improve product quality, providing both energy savings and potential increased productivity with lower material losses.

Ideal for on-line tobacco moisture analysis in all tobacco leaf and primary processing applications, including leaf processing, expanded, cut, and reconstituted tobacco, MoistTech’s 828 model NIR analyzer offers unmatched performance and accuracy over all tobacco process moisture ranges.

Providing continuous, reliable readings, the NIR technology features instant, non-contact moisture measurement for tobacco without sample destruction, allowing installation above tobacco production lines without interfering with processing. The 828 model is unaffected by differences in particle size, material height, and color, making it the most accurate tobacco sensor on the market. It can also measure a variety of other parameters, including nicotine levels, sugar content, and tobacco temperature.

The MoistTech 828 sensor features extremely high accuracy, measuring tobacco moisture to within ±0.1 percent in low moisture and ±0.25 percent in high moisture applications. With a wide moisture range from 0 to 65 percent, it is suitable for tobacco processes ranging from leaf to finished product. It is ideal for use with before and after dryers, conditioning cylinders, cutters, toaster, reconstituted lines, belt conveyors, and screw and drag conveyors.

MoistTech’s model 828 features continuous measurement, delivering thousands of readings per second for real-time tobacco process control. Pre-calibrated at the factory, it offers immediate use in tobacco processing without on-site adjustments. With its no-drift capabilities, the 828 tobacco sensor maintains accuracy over time without recalibration, ensuring consistent tobacco quality. It stores up to 50 individual product calibrations for quick adjustments in different tobacco processes.


The sensor features a rugged design that withstands harsh tobacco factory environments, including dust and steam. It is equipped with RS232, Ethernet, and 4-20mA outputs for integration with tobacco processing control systems. Upgrades are available for Ethernet IP and Profibus & Profinet.

For more information about the On-line Near Infrared Model 828 Tobacco Sensor, and how it can increase production abilities by ensuring proper moisture levels, visit

MoistTech Corp

MoistTech Corp. is a global leader in Moisture Measurement as well as monitoring Fat/Oil and Coating Moisture / Thickness for the converting and film applications. MoistTech manufactures a range of on-line sensors & at-line instruments for moisture measurement and real-time moisture process control for numerous applications.


  • Moisttech New Brand Logo Final 1 .5ebf1271222e9

    MoistTech Corp. is a global leader in Moisture Measurement as well as monitoring Fat/Oil and Coating Moisture / Thickness for the converting and film applications. MoistTech manufactures a range of on-line sensors & at-line instruments for moisture measurement and real-time moisture process control for numerous applications.

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