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Veolia Retains ‘Gold’ Status with UK Defence Employers Recognition Scheme

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Veolia has demonstrated its ongoing commitment to the UK’s Armed Forces by re-signing its Corporate Covenant at a ceremony that recognised the re-validation of the environmental services provider’s ‘Gold’ status on the Defence Employers Recognition Scheme for a further five years.

The signing ceremony at the Ministry of Defence headquarters building in Whitehall on Thursday 5 December was attended by Gavin Graveson, Veolia UK and Ireland Chief Executive Officer, Vice Admiral Hally, Chief of Defence People and Mike Green, Defence Infrastructure Organisation Chief Executive. By upholding the Covenant, the company recognises those who perform military duty and the value of their contribution.

For the last five years Veolia has held Gold status in the Defence Employers Recognition Scheme (ERS). A. It was the first company in the environmental services industry to achieve the standard.

Our business is intimately connected to the Armed Forces; either through the services we provide to garrisons and bases around the world, or through the high numbers of ex-military and current Reservists we employ, and the pledges in this Covenant reflect our continuing dedication.

The global environmental services provider is a longstanding employer for more than 300 ex-service men and women and provides a wide range of additional support, working through a dedicated Armed Forces Champion. This includes promoting the employment of service leavers and veterans, supporting employees who work with the Reserve or Cadet Forces, and service spouses and partners before, during and after a partner’s deployment. The company also offers employment opportunities for regular and reserve forces working with the Career Transition Partnership (CTP) and enables serving members of the regular or reserve forces to gain practical experience relevant to their deployable roles. 


Veolia has a strong association with the British forces as it manages the waste, water and energy for UK defence at home and abroad, which helps the Ministry of Defence meet its environmental and sustainability targets. Covering sites spanning from Lossiemouth to Tidworth, Gibraltar and Cyprus to the Falkland Islands, Veolia supports local military communities and creates jobs. Last year 62 new employees joined Veolia as ex-service members or reservists.

Graveson tells FM Magazine: “By renewing the Armed Forces Covenant we are demonstrating our strong commitment for the men and women serving in the Royal Navy, the Army, and the Royal Air Force. By furthering their onward careers using the valuable skills they bring to our business, and supporting current military personnel and those wishing to serve, we are strengthening our position as a Forces friendly employer.

“Our business is intimately connected to the Armed Forces; either through the services we provide to garrisons and bases around the world, or through the high numbers of ex-military and current Reservists we employ, and the pledges in this Covenant reflect our continuing dedication.”

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  • Final Logo covers the latest news, trends and opinion from the facilities management (FM) and corporate real estate (CRE) sectors. The FM market is currently estimated to be worth USD 1 trillion annually and is projected to grow at a compounded annualised rate of approximately 5% between now and 2026.

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